Charles A. Lemaire (Charlie) 
is a registered patent attorney practicing in the areas of electronic, laser, optical fiber, optics, Group III-N light-emitting semiconductors (gallium, indium, and/or aluminum nitrides), integrated-circuit structures and semiconductor processing, software, PRML-, compression-, and encryption-coding algorithms, magnetic-disk devices, thin-film batteries, mechanical and plant patent applications, prosecution and related licensing and opinions.

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Please read the following before sending any communications to our firm:

You will not become a client of our firm by sending us an email, letter or fax.  Until we agree to represent you, anything you send to us will not be considered confidential or privileged.  If you wish to inquire about possible representation, please call our office at the number listed on our "Contact Us" page.  Your contact information will be collected so that we may perform a conflict-of-interest check.  Once we confirm that there is no conflict, then the attorney best suited to address your issue will contact you.


Jonathan is a registered patent attorney who practiced with the Lemaire Patent Law Firm from mid 2006 to early 2023.

Fred has expertise in the areas of computer hardware and software architecture (click his name to see detailed biography), and practiced as a patent and technical consultant/writer of the Lemaire Patent Law Firm from 2013 to 2015.